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Results for "keyword: "body practices""
Spiritual Exercises Nancy Roth on the spiritual practice of devotion through exercise.
Breathing as Spiritual Practice Instructions for a breathing practice that can be adapted by people of all spiritual traditions.
Ignite Your Light Practical ways, organized by times of the day, to help you replace an energy crisis with an energy renewal.
Ways to Go Beyond and Why They Work Rupert Sheldrake on how sports can have spiritual effects.
Sharing Food Outlines Christian spiritual eating practices including saying grace, sharing, hospitality, and honoring the body.
The Sacred Art of Fasting An inspiring and down-to-earth manual on the spiritual dimensions of fasting.
Playing in the Zone A dazzling look at the spiritual meaning in sports.
The Practice of Presence Patty De Llosa on being hospitable to different spiritual practices.
Kripalu Yoga Articles and complete, fully-illustrated routines that reveal yoga as a complete system for personal growth and transformation.
Practicing Our Faith Presents a multidenominational perspective as men and women, Catholics and Protestants, teachers and ministers offer ideas on serving God in the midst of everyday life.